
Day 2 of the 30-Day Writing Challenge

Kevin Bhagat for Unsplash


It’s day 2 for me that is, of the 30-day writing challenge from Toots which I started yesterday. I’m guessing wherever you want to start is fine with her, I didn’t see it until after the month started, so I’m just jumping in and carrying on.

ā€“ Day 2: Something you regret not doing last year.

Hmmm, that’s a hard one. I can barely remember what I did yesterday, so how to know what or if I regret not dong something last year??

If I really sit and think about it I can come up with all sorts of regrets. Not making enough time for friends because I bury myself in this writing thing, but then again, that’s the only way to hone your craft. I make time for my dad because he needs me, (and because I love him, duh) but what about my friends? Do they need me? I need them!

I regret not writing more articles that might have earned me a paycheck, that is something I HAVE to work on harder this year, but I get bogged down with emails, writing challenges, writing stuff on Medium, etc. I prefer creative writing over business writing yet the latter is the one that could pay the bills.

I regret not making the trip to go meet my grandchild (a long story in itself) but it was a hard year with the medical issues I had and the fact that Dave’s mom passed and we had no time due to clearing up her estate and getting her house sold. I’m hoping we can find the time this year, but it’s a long way from here and that all depends on Dave’s job and how much time he has for vacation. Some things are simply out of my control, unless I were to make the trip alone, I don’t see that happening.

So, that’s about it, I’m sure I could think of more but my belly is speaking to me and I must go feed it! If you want to get in on this fun challenge by Toots, do it here!




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