Writing Prompts

The Sunday Message

Have you ever found yourself in what you considered an impossible situation? Well, that’s what today’s message is all about.

Making the Impossible Possible

This is the story of the Feeding of the 5,000.

In John 6: 1-15 we learned that at one time, Jesus and His disciples were presented with a problem. They had gathered quite a following, and needed to be fed. The disciples were exhausted themselves, yet Jesus told them to feed all of these people.

They didn’t know what to do, and they hadn’t yet put their full faith in the Lord, even after all the miracles they had already witnessed, so they fretted, and worried about it, and asked Jesus how they were supposed to do it and He told them to sit and rest. Andrew showed Jesus a boy with a small amount of food, which was nice, but he knew it wouldn’t feed everybody, so he told Jesus that it still wasn’t a solution.

Then money was suggested by Phillip, even though they had none, so that wouldn’t work either. What were they to do? Well, they were supposed to turn it to Jesus, after telling Him, “We know this is an impossible situation, but we are putting our faith in you that you will help us solve it.” So when Jesus told them to sit and rest, he was showing them that He was about to take care of it and He knew they were also hungry and exhausted.

The miracle he then performed was to turn that three loaves of bread and two fish into so much food, that everyone ate their fill and even had leftovers, which Jesus told them to gather up so nothing would go to waste. This is the only miracle that’s found in all four gospels.

The message that I get from this lesson and so many more is that you cannot do anything on your own. You must have faith in God that He will somehow provide. You thank Him for what you do have and trust him to help you find a solution for what you don’t.

Thank you for being here to listen to my interpretation of the Sunday Message! I appreciate each and every one of you, have a blessed Sunday and a great week!


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