
WOD Challenge, One-Liner Wednesday, & Fun20075 Prompts 3-18-20

What the President must be thinking right now!

One-Liner Wednesday


Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let me give y’all a bit of advice…seriously, Chill Out! Yesterday, I strapped on my broken watch, just worn for jewelry purposes really, and went to my dad’s as usual to take him out to lunch. Despite getting caught up in the fearmongering myself a bit…I mean, my dad is 85 and falls into the group of people we should be careful with. We decided to take a chance anyway and began trying to think of where to go for lunch. I suggested Nikkis and my brother said, Spagetti? Really? So he and my oldest son agreed we should go to the Texas Star Grill instead, where we ate overpriced salad and sandwiches. Shocked that a restaurant was ignoring the suggestion to only serve drive through and take out, at least they were practicing social distancing, everyone was strategically placed at least 5 feet apart at the tables throughout the eatery.

I am trying to take my own advice and Chill Out, yet my subconscious must not be listening because I have not slept worth a darn all week! From stressing out about the economy to worrying about my dad and my middle son (who could have the coronavirus yet has not yet been tested to my knowledge), to trying to be everywhere at once, even though I am just one person. Maybe I need to get back on the CBD, it always worked before, not that my problem is going to sleep, it’s staying asleep! This morning I was up at 4:30, the night before I was up from 1:30-4:30, went back to bed and got an hour and a half more sleep. The day before that I was up at 5. Ugh!I wish, no, I pray that God will eradicate this virus and things around the world get back to normal!


This post was brought to you by the Word of the Day prompt, One-Liner Wednesday, and From Cave Walls #Fun20075 prompts.


Word of the Day Challenge

