Writing, Writing Prompts

SoCS & WOD Challenge 02-13-21

Time once again for #SoCS where the lovely Linda prompts us with the following:
Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “above/below.” Use one, use both, use ’em however they inspire you. Bonus points if you use them both. Enjoy!

Well, it’s less than cheery here right now as we prepare for a rare winter blast. I have not seen my dad in several days, and NOBODY’S going to want to be out tomorrow, so I’m hoping for a visit today since we will have to get out for some much needed supplies.

The seen peeked out above the ⛅️ clouds, and no precipitation is falling yet, but the temps are way below freezing. 🥶

I do not like the idea of going out, but I like to see what I’m buying vs having things delivered. The cat 🐈‍⬛ needs food, I need vodka and groceries, before we get stuck in the house for several more days. How are all of you doing in the deep freeze? I feel bad for my son if he is having to work today, as well as anyone else out in the harsh elements today. The sun gives us a false sense of warmth, so if we’re going, it’s best to go now.
The doggies are wearing their sweaters, and I am sporting a velour track suit jacket and 🧥 as I prepare to venture out. No, the pups aren’t going, lol. They will get a treat before we walk out the door.j

Well, I’m back from errands and since I had not published yet, let me show off my Valentine’s gift Dave bought me while we were out.

My birthstone set in the way that the gemstone moves with the beat of your heart, surrounded by shimmering Diamond accents in an Infinity pendant. 🥰

I wish you could see the movement of the gemstone, but I’d need to take a video to show it. He took me to pick it out so he knew I’d get something I liked. Smart man, huh?! I told him it was not necessary but he wanted to buy me something, and I love it! (My birthstone is Aquamarine)

Once we got home, we barely had time to put the groceries up and Dad texted me to say he had a broken pipe and Sean was not at home, so off we went to help him. When we got there, water was shooting out of the pipe behind the washer in the garage. Ugh. Dave’s temporary fix was to cut and plug the pipe, turn on the faucets to dripping inside and out, until the weather warms up and he can properly fix the pipes. NOT the visit I was intending, but I feel good that we were able to help.

What a mess. Disaster averted, we are back home cuddled up with the doggies to wait for the snow. Peace out, y’all have a fabulous weekend 🤗😘 Oh, and Happy Valentines Day! 💕

Word of the Day Challenge

2 thoughts on “SoCS & WOD Challenge 02-13-21

  1. What a beautiful necklace! He did excellent! Can’t wait to see it in person! And I am so glad that you helped your dad with the pipes! YIKES!! It did look like a mess! Did you get the vodka? After that mass you probably should have gotten 2 bottles, LOL! Stay warm and sleep tight!


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    • Thank you! Yes, I did get the vodka, lol, but I’m taking a break tonight. Maybe tomorrow lol. I got David a rain shower shower head with a hand written poem and a separate not saying I was “showering him with love.” Corny huh. He says he liked it, I’m kind of known for giving him practical gifts. 😁

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