Writing Prompts

Fit Friday

It was a great start to the day because I got up early enough to join walking class. This one was a bit more challenging, but I kept up for the most part. Knowing your limitations is a good thing. No deep squats or crazy twisting moves, and not ready for jogging or high knee lifts yet. So I walked when they jogged. Doesn’t matter, I was still moving!

After that, I worked on my Diamond Art project, and took two breaks as I was doing so.

Lot’s of folks enjoying the pool today.

Later on, it was pool time, so more working the legs, and tonight we have live music, so that means dancing, baby! I hope my energy level stays up, but regardless, all of my rings will be closed again tonight! That’s at least twice this week, so next week I’ll try to make it three!

PS: Thanks for your prayers, Sis was home the next day and back to work the next. She still has two 8mm stones too high for the surgeon to reach, but they will be keeping a close eye on her. 😊

Writing Prompts

Glorious End to a Perfect Day

Near sunset and a foreboding to today’s weather.

We had to take advantage of the spectacular weather yesterday, knowing the rains were coming today.

We spent the entire afternoon in the pool, then hung out with friends til almost dark.

The sun was warm and the water was perfect, so I really got my exercise yesterday!

Today we have lunch plans with said friends (Rick and Carrie) even though the rain keeps trickling down. Maybe we’ll get a short break, but either way, we won’t melt! 🤣

It’s a great day for reading!

Writing Prompts

A Longer Day Of Play

Hi folks!

I was too wiped out yesterday to post about our extended game of shuffleboard! Not only did I play well enough to play two or three games with my partner Rick, we then went straight to the pool to cool off, exercise, and then relax poolside with an adult beverage!

Myself and Becky on the first court, Dave and Sherry on the other court.

In the evening, it was the start of Survivor…46 or something like that. I believe I’ve only missed one season in all the seasons that have been televised!

You would have thought I’d sleep like a stone, but evidently something went haywire because I tossed and turned all night. Yes, I had a beverage, but I also followed that up with a good dinner and several tumblers of water.

Anyhoo, there’s a shot of my hubby playing against friend, Carrie, while I had her hubby as my partner. One of the winners, Sherry, is shown on the opposing team.

Waiting for their turn; Dave and Carrie opposing board is Sherry and John Earl.

Theres always next week! 😉

Writing Prompts

SoCS 2/3/24

Linda prompts us with “watch” any way we’d like to use it. HERE is the pingback if you want to join.

If you are anywhere in the US next Sunday, you’ll be gearing up to watch the SuperBowl! Will you watch from home, a bar, or a friend’s house? Or do you even care? I don’t have a favorite to win but if I did, it would be the Chiefs, just because my youngest son likes them.

I saw one of the new ads yesterday and it was pretty funny. Spoiler alert, it features the band Creed.

We are expecting heavy rains tomorrow, and I don’t know if we will watch the All Star game or not.

Today, I’ll be taking advantage of the last warm and sunny day for a while at the pool! I’m waiting for it to warm to the highest temperature of the day before making the short trek across the street.

This morning I caved and had coffee and a donut with my friends at the main activity enter. I like it because It’s where we meet new folks or people we have not previously met that have been in the park as long as us. I’ll work it off in the pool. 😉

We also made a trip to Walmart this morning, so I got some steps in as well. I’ve given up trying to watch my weight for the time being, but I’m not getting too fat yet. I’m just a few pounds over where I like to be.

I guess I better eat a little lunch and get ready for pool time with friends. I like that I can set my Apple Watch for waterproof and don’t even have to take it off to swim. 😀

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Writing Prompts

Finally We Meet!!

Myself, Taylor, and Rayven

Yesterday we finally met our Granddaughter! It was a short visit because she needed a nap and her mama and fiancé had to go to work. But we have made plans for today. She is coming to the hotel to go swimming, and then her mama, Taylor-is going to come back or we will go over there, and she will show us where she and Josh used to live and where Josh used to work, as well as go meet her mom.

Swimming like a fish!

We swam for a couple of hours, but she would have stayed in that pool all day!

Why do I have that smirk on my face in every picture?

It’s probably because my Rayven is quite the little toot! She tells stories, she’s quite the authority on everything, her favorite words are “literally” and “actual”. Did I mention she’s 6?? 😂

She’s a very good swimmer, just like her real daddy.

Too bad he’s not in the picture anymore. Taylor and her fiancé, Ray will soon be married.

She must really be part mermaid (one of her favorite things besides unicorns).

We did go meet Taylor’s mom, saw where Josh used to work at the meat butchery, and Cooper Farms, and the mink farm. Taylor told us he enjoyed the butchery the most and went back several times.

In the end, Ohio wasn’t for him. Too cold, too boring, and being a man with responsibilities was evidently too much for him. I loved our visit here, yet could not see myself living here either due to the cold winters.

The little town of Van Wert itself is adorable. I loved all the different styles of homes, Craftsman, Tudors, and Colonial styles all can be seen and more. A beautiful courthouse sits downtown and pines of every kind are found here. Blue Spruce, some type of weeping pine, and it’s one of the only little towns that semis and tractor trailers can still drive straight through. The countryside is sprawling landscape with corn, maze, and soybean fields, parks dot the area and flowers grace beautiful porches. Some are closed in porches and some are open air.

After the swim, we went to McDonalds and the park that is her favorite…Smiley Park…where she astonished us with her amazing energy. I’m excited that she will be starting gymnastics in the Spring, because she is definitely qualified and built just for it.At home she has a trampoline, so she will be able to really show off after she learns to tumble. (More pics to come)

After the tours, we came back to the hotel to chill with Rayven and Taylor before dinner. We went to Peking for Chinese, but it was less than and definitely not worth the money it cost. But Rayven wanted a little more time. This time goodbye wasn’t as hard. She claimed she wasn’t tired, but look…

She could make the 7 minute drive home. 😂🤣

I promise to post more about our previous trip to Ravenna and Cleveland when I get somewhere with a better connection and can retrieve all my pics. My phone is low, or I’d post more pics from today. I need her mom and all her chickens, and all of the adorable houses I managed to get pics of. My phone is also running out of storage, so I need to offload a ton of pics.
