Writing Prompts

A-Z Challenge W

I woke up today and did my daily devotional, and then checked the weather. We are in for storms again today.

All throughout the day we have heard alerts for various thunderstorms, flash flood, and tornado watches.

David kindly mowed Kevin’s yards while he was at work. Later he went to the store and bought some things we needed plus coffee and peanut butter for him. I swear, he eats it a cup at a time! We just bought him a jar last week at $7.00 a jar!!

I’m worried about the weather because I hate to see anyone hurt, but people around here don’t pay attention to the warnings, and many lose their lives to to flooding, lightening, or accidents on the road.

We have warnings for a reason, but so many people ignore or don’t see/hear them in time. They say this generation is so woke, yet you have to wonder why if they all have phones, and those phones send weather alerts every time the situation changes, they pay no heed to them?

In other news, I worked on my diamond art as long as I could, but my back pain was wrapping around my legs, and even standing to work, I got no relief. I did some stretching and tried again. I think I managed almost two hours on it. It’s close to being done!

May 1, I will start my physical therapy. Hopefully, they will give me some workouts that will ease my pain, because none of the meds do very much for nerve pain. I’m about ready to go back on my turmeric supplements-I’d stopped them for a while due to recurring mouth ulcers, yet I never figured out the source.

They are finally gone. Maybe the use of my mouth guard at night helped. Who knows? Now maybe I’ll see if adding the turmeric back into my daily regiment of pills will help ease my pain.

Tonight, my brother invited friends to come for dinner and something he does called “riff tracks” while watching a silly movie. I had made plans to visit with a friend, but I told her to come another time, because she was coming near the time they are supposed to come.

Last night, we decided to stay in on our normal “date night” and missed an opportunity to see some old friends. We needed to save that money for upcoming expenses for remodeling the bus. Making sacrifices is necessary sometimes, but man, I hated missing out on seeing our friends. They promised a rain check!

Well, that’s it for this TMI post, brought to you by the letter W. 😜

Writing Prompts

A-Z Challenge Universal

U is for universal

Can I get a universal AMEN?!

I need one on so many levels today!

First, we got our bus back today, yea!! Now we can start the rehab it so desperately needs. New flooring, new furniture, and new backsplash in the kitchen for starters!

I’ll have to take before and after pics to share for when we get done remodeling it.

Just a former pic of our bus.

Two, the way too long fur babies are cut and oh so cute! They really needed it as we could barely see their eyes! 😂

Brandy in front and Whiskey behind.

Three, my friend Stephanie was so kind and shared her Bible app with me and I got it and now have the NIV version and already began listening, which is an awesome feature!

I visited with her and her Aunt Carol yesterday and got to see Christina, her caregiver too! What a great time we had chatting it up!

Christina, Stephanie, me.
Stephanie and Carol

Suze told me that was a good one for simplicity and clarity, just what I needed. Plus, this app has many features, like a daily affirmation verse, various translations, and more!

And finally, I’m on WhatsApp and can now talk to my new sister-in-law, Naz-in her language or mine, and also voice text! She was so happy to hear from me and learn that I am studying her language! She is going to classes to learn English too!

It’s been a very happy and productive day! I’m universally pleased!

Writing Prompts

Wonky Vision

I just got back from the VA having my eyes examined. I think they could see through to my brain with those horrible, massively, bright lights they shined over and over in my eyes, after they dilated them!

I had a thinning of the left retina, so he said if my floaters get much worse, or the occasional flashes of light get more frequent, come in immediately. It could be signs of a retinal tear. I’m excited to be getting transition lenses in my new glasses, and my vision had not changed enough to recommend new contacts. So when I need new ones, I’ll have to use a regular, civilian eye dr for that. The VA only writes prescriptions for contacts if medically necessary.

I was due to come back here to the RV resort and have a fellow camper cut and color my hair, but due to the dilation and the fact that she has to do it outside, we rescheduled for tomorrow morning.

Yesterday, we went to lunch with some friends we’ve made here to send off Cliff and Kimmy. They had to leave a little early because their son has had a recurrence and needs some treatment. I hope their travels go great as they head back to Indiana.

We ate at Duffy’s and it was great! Two for one drinks and lunch specials. Here we are seated at the restaurant.

Cliff in the orange shirt next to wife Kimmy

I guess I’ll have blurry vision for quite a while! What to do, what to do?

Writing Prompts

SoCS 2/3/24

Linda prompts us with “watch” any way we’d like to use it. HERE is the pingback if you want to join.

If you are anywhere in the US next Sunday, you’ll be gearing up to watch the SuperBowl! Will you watch from home, a bar, or a friend’s house? Or do you even care? I don’t have a favorite to win but if I did, it would be the Chiefs, just because my youngest son likes them.

I saw one of the new ads yesterday and it was pretty funny. Spoiler alert, it features the band Creed.

We are expecting heavy rains tomorrow, and I don’t know if we will watch the All Star game or not.

Today, I’ll be taking advantage of the last warm and sunny day for a while at the pool! I’m waiting for it to warm to the highest temperature of the day before making the short trek across the street.

This morning I caved and had coffee and a donut with my friends at the main activity enter. I like it because It’s where we meet new folks or people we have not previously met that have been in the park as long as us. I’ll work it off in the pool. 😉

We also made a trip to Walmart this morning, so I got some steps in as well. I’ve given up trying to watch my weight for the time being, but I’m not getting too fat yet. I’m just a few pounds over where I like to be.

I guess I better eat a little lunch and get ready for pool time with friends. I like that I can set my Apple Watch for waterproof and don’t even have to take it off to swim. 😀

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Writing Prompts

JusJoJan -So Grateful

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 8th, 2024 is “gratitude.” Use the word “gratitude” any way you’d like. Have fun! 

I’m so grateful for this man of mine -David-who takes such good care of me, loves me unconditionally, and puts up with all my problems and sometimes whiny behavior.

Dave -from when we went to the Yuma Prison Museum

I would also like to express my gratitude for all the wonderful bloggers I’ve been lucky enough to have met, whether virtually or in person! The blogosphere is a terrific place to make lasting friends and acquaintances.

Anne and me at the creek.

I’m also grateful to my brother for providing us a place to stay when we are home. I’m grateful to God who let us have this wonderful opportunity to live the way we do. I have fabulous friends and family as well. I have tons to be grateful for!

Last but not least, I’m grateful to be here -where I met my sister and that we all get along like best friends.

We have plans for dinner Friday! I’m grateful for that too!
